E-co-logical Footprint Training - digital resources for online and offline education

E-co-logical Footprint Training - digital resources for online and offline education

Together with partners from Austria, Greece, Hungary and Romania we started the ERASMUS+ - Project “E-co-logical Footprint Training - digital resources for online and offline education”. In collaboration: akaryon GmbH, a research based Austrian SME specialized in environmental educational informatics, the Viennese NGO Plattform Footprint (FP), the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) in Hungary, the Greek Environmental Education Center (KPE) Pertouliou-Trikkeon and the Vasile Lovinescu College (CLV), a Romanian VET high-school providing courses in ecology and environment.

We will provide

  • Offline and online learning material on Ecological Footprint suitable for school kids aged between 10 and 18;
  • Teaching materials on Ecological Footprint for teachers and an
  • Ecological Footprint Calculation Software allowing kids to log their activities, get to know their footprint and how to reduce it.
  • Guide to Certifications providing an overview of existing environmental education certifications and how to achieve them

Project results will be available via the project-website www.e-co-foot.eu.



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Agreement Number: 2017-1-AT01-KA201-035037